City of the DEAD
By MxnkeyK1ng
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • creepystories
  • fictionstories
  • original
  • realstories
  • stories
  • teen


One time while thinking about some of my most favorite childhood books, goosebumps, I started remembering how much I loved them and then moving up to fear street. So I started thinking that it would be amazing if he kept making such awesome books and why not add like a new thing to it? This is how I came up with "City of the DEAD". I'm not saying I dare to even begin to compare myself to such a great author but I will attempt to create scary stories on my own and why not share a few of the creepy stuff I myself have experienced? I will try my best to do at least one story per month. Most of the stories I'm going to write will be completely fictional but will all be centered around the "city of the dead" yes I'm even going to adapt my own experiences. This is really not to gain fame or anything but mostly to entertain myself and hopefully some people out there too. If anyone has scary things that happened to them and they wanna share feel free to message me and I'll write your story.

Moving into town.

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City of t...
by MxnkeyK1ng