OverTime 03: Slippi...
By VonJocks
  • Romance
  • cattle
  • cattledrive
  • drive
  • time
  • timetravel
  • travel
  • western


"And they lived happily ever--uh oh." Time traveler Elizabeth, aka "Lillabit," hardly expects miracles from her 19th-century marriage. But abandoning her modern world for love of an 1870s trail boss is hard enough without stampedes. And storms. And Indians.. And bounty hunters. Is the struggle to adapt worth it if she loses herself en route to Wyoming? Or will that prankster, Time, rob Lillabit of home and family forever? NOTES: I chose "mature" because there may be 1 or 2 love scenes over the very long book, but this is not erotica. Sorry if I misled anybody. You should be able to read "OverTime 03: Slipping" as a stand-alone work. However, if you seriously want to read the first two books in the series ("OverTime 01: Searching" and "OverTime 02: Turning"), they are available for purchase on Amazon Kindle by Yvonne Jocks. Be aware that you do not get Garrison's point of view in the first two books.

Chapter 01 - A City of Two Tales (Lillabit)

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by VonJocks