Mafia Leaders First...
By FeastofEntice
  • Romance
  • mafia


Arabelle Knightly is your ordinary girl, so you think. She goes to school everyday just like us but what's different...... she's dyslexic and she's an orphan. Now you might be saying what's wrong with that but let me tell you what's wrong with that, she gets bullied everyday at school because she's different. People look at her differently and treat her horribly just because she has difficulty reading and she has no parents. Arabelle wants someone to love her for her and not let the fact that she is dyslexic or without parents get in the way. Will she be able to find true love or will her being dyslexia and without parents put her off track completely? Andrei Lombardi is a mafia king. He is the most feared man. To most he is a cold hearted man without feelings, but is he really? He is looking for his tesoro to love and to cherish. He is part of a big family with a mum, dad, brother, sister and not to mention the countless amounts of cousins. He has grown up with money lots and lots of money and never had to worry about anything. Will he find he's tesoro or will his mafia life get in the way?

Mafia Leaders First Love

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Mafia Lea...
by FeastofEntice