Reading Between The...
By JordieXx
  • Romance


Riley has always expressed herself through music, always. Yet what she still cannot figure out is what her lyrics are telling her, they tell her something is missing, but what? Than her best friend Chad disappears off the face of the earth and she begins to wonder and fret over their friendship or to her something she's realising was always more than just a friendship.... As she begins to decipher her lyrics she becomes more and more curious into her mother’s life; a mother who practically had abandoned her and her father as soon as she was born. She's never thought much of her mother but once Chad disappears and leaves her abandoned and alone she begins to realise that something is missing and she’s been in this position before. But is it her mother or is it someone else? Most importantly on this journey, what will she find when she reads between the lyrics?

Reading Between The Lyrics - Prologue

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Reading B...
by JordieXx