Pack Mistress
By SayHolaSunglasses
  • Romance
  • aiden
  • alpha-daughter
  • alpha-son
  • hunt
  • kidnapped
  • kyrie
  • love
  • pack
  • trapped
  • war
  • wolf


A werewolf feels two kinds of hunger on the brink of changing; the urge to hunt and to make love. To prevent the man changing into a wolf he's taken to Kyrie, Pack Mistress. She was kidnapped and forced into this dangerous life. If the werewolf turns into a wolf on th brink of changing while seeking Kyrie for her role in the pack, than Kyrie is dead. Simple. Since she is nothing to his pack, Aiden begins to talk to her about his problems. She'll be dead sooner or later, who's she going to tell? Being pack leaders son, Aiden is troubled by the fact he hasn't changed into a wolf yet. But will this shoulder to cry on ignite feelings in the Alpha's son. And will he take the love of his life sleeping with others of the pack, being a territorial wolf? Or do the unthinkable and offer his protection to Kyrie, though she is lowest member of the pack? Though she is hiding who she is from him? How far will he go to protect her?...

Pack Mistress - Chapter 1

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Pack Mist...
by SayHolaSunglasses