TOTU: The Territory...
By MalecCarcy1
  • Fantasy
  • animals
  • australia
  • desert
  • evolution
  • february
  • hiddengems
  • hooves
  • humour
  • hybrid
  • longstory
  • mutant
  • newvoices
  • oursingaporestory
  • part-animal
  • part-human
  • sci-fi
  • teenfiction
  • tribe
  • wattys2016
  • wings


"Are you human?" The boy looked delighted. "Why are you human?" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Milo is a member of a research team sent by the Genetic Phenomena Centre to the Territory of Tribe 2, also known as TOTU: the land of a tribe of the animal-featured people who are thought to be the next stage of human evolution. The team's goal? To disprove theories that the tribe members are the dangerous creatures everyone thinks they are. But with prejudice, past mistakes, and the wild desert terrain, their task will be anything but easy, and their ultimate hope of having a tribe member return with them may prove to be impossible. **On hold until I get my act together! (sorry, I'm super busy) (send help) :( Chapters are short and sweet (all under 2000 words). Description written by the amazing @_Tally_the_Total_ Set in Australia (go us). Stand-alone book (at least for now). ;) Highest rank thus far: #470 in Fantasy. **

They Probably Won't Kill You on Sight

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TOTU: The...
by MalecCarcy1