Through the eyes of...
By AnnaFelicityBrown
  • Random
  • drugs
  • friends
  • love
  • temptation
  • travel
  • youth


Samatha is an 18 year old girl, who lives a perfect life, as some would call it. She lives in a big house, has a great family and she has a dog too. She always strives for something else and wants to achieve her goals. She knows she doesn't want her life to boring, she wants adventures and at the end, a huge pile of memories. By saying it simply, she is a complicated person, due to her thoughts. She has this incredible imagination and with that she can never be dull. She is fierce and curious, especially about things unknown to her. But with being a straight A student, working as a waitress, helping around the house and being a good example to everybody is hard to define who you really are. Sometimes she thinks she is a simple, small girl in this big wide world. And then again she thinks of herself as an ungrateful, although she appreciates everything she has. When being on this adolescence road and trying to find yourself and finding out what is your purpose in life, one can try many things to discover that. So one night, Samantha gets an offer from her friends that puts her in temptation of crossing the line, from which everybody is warned at the beginning.

Where it all started

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Through t...
by AnnaFelicityBrown