The Day After Tommo...
By ChrissySanchez
  • Science Fiction


In the early 1900's our world was known as the discovery century. We had nonstop alien movies, new adventeristic ideas and inventions were sprunged out. And every invention had to have a secret scientist. And this secret scientist created an invention that he aplied on all humans. But, no one ever knew, they were hypmitised with this invention. This was brought down by genes to your children, and by the twenty first century every person had a secret ability no one ever knew about. It was the ability to see your fate, and how you are planned to live your life, before you have the abilities to live it. And once you seen your life, you were able to change it to perfection. But when the invention has spark to it, the hole thing crashes to the floor. And the only thing that comes to the secret scientist mind, is are they living reality, or are their still living their dream? what do you think will happen? read more...

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The Day A...
by ChrissySanchez