princess and the al...
By brooklynn99
  • Werewolf


Alpha King Erik and Luna Queen Rose ruled the werewolves kingdom. They had two sons, both were 5 but 4 months apart. They wanted a daughter but the queen was told that she couldn't get pregnant again. But one day, the queen wasn't feeling well and her and the king went to the pack doctor to see what was wrong. The pack doctor told them the queen was pregnant. 3 months had gone by and then the queen had a baby girl. The king and queen were so happy. So were their sons because they finally had a sister to tease and protect. As the princess got older the queen started getting sick. When the princess turned 5, the queen was diagnosed with cancer and that it was too late to try to cure her. One year later, the queen past away. The kingdom. The king had lost his mate and was in grief for many years. The princess cried nonstop for days. She was the closest to her out of the three children. At the funeral, neither the king or princess were there. They refused to leave the castle. Three months later, the princess finally left the castle to play with her brothers. The two princes' friends joined them. The princess couldn't stop staring at this one particular boy. He was older than her. She was 6 and he was 11. He had brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and was a foot taller than her. She had never seen him before. Her brothers introduced him as Derek, Alpha Blake's son. She felt this connection to him that she didn't feel with anyone else. As they grew older, he didn't come around as much . The boys graduated high school with Derek and then he disappeared from the princess' life to run his pack. When the princess started high school, she shifted into her werewolf form and learned about mates and everything. Let's see what happens next.

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by brooklynn99