Day Z
By deetzbeats2121
  • Horror


DayZ Day 1 Chicago,Illinois December 15 I found this journel a few weeks ago, before all the madness. I am hoping that if I don’t make it someone will find it and hopefully get some use out of it. It also helps me pass the time between the silence and the chaos of what now I call my life. It has been 57 days since the dead came back to life and started taking over our city. No one knows what caused this outbreak, some say it’s a virus or a nuclear attack by the government. Although some of us do not show signs of infection we’ve all been infected. I find shelter where I can but most are infested with the dead. I spend most days looking for my son, Charlie. He and I were separated almost a month ago after a fight that broke out in the subway. It has been lonely without him and I will NOT stop until I find him. He is the sole reason why I keep fighting another day in a world that no longer has order. When I’m not searching for Charlie, I hunt for food looting local supermarkets or restaurants looking for non-perishable food items and of course water. Today I went in search of ammo and necessities and came across an abandoned neighborhood, it looked clear but I took my ax just to be safe. I don’t want to die now I’ve come so far and my son is counting on me. I have returned to my “safe” house for the night. I’ve finished barricading the windows and doors with boards & interior doors for added security. The sun is going set soon and I need to rest before another day of scavenging. Hopefully you’ll hear again from me tomorrow………

Day 1

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Day Z
by deetzbeats2121