What do you mean ma...
By Yaoifangirl18
  • Werewolf
  • boyxboy
  • girlxboyxboy
  • menage
  • werewolf


My name is Manda Gabrielle Riley. I am poor, i live with my mother, and 5 other siblings. I also have a son, he is 2 almost three. My life is terrible but my son pushes me to do more an to become more. I love my mom she is very strong but very secretive. My Son name is Carlos Julian Diaz, he get's his name from his father in which i am currently dating. I love his father Carlos but the chemistry just isn't there. In the four years we been together we never made love. I just came to that realization. I do try to keep my family together it's just hard when you look at the person you love and realize he has a drug addiction. Well anyways back to the matter at hand my story of love,passion, betrayal,obsession, and mates?

Mates of Mine

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What do y...
by Yaoifangirl18