Welcome to Chimera...
By akwardkate
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • chriswood
  • fantasy
  • kaiparker
  • supernatural
  • teenwolf
  • thevampirediaries


James Deveraux is an eighteen year old senior, warlock and troublemaker who is currently living his ordinary, day to day teenage life. Four words can be used to describe James: Sarcastic, stubborn, intelligent and fun. He does what he wants and rarely thinks of the consequences. However, James did not foresee that he would be involved in a group of different species that have joined together to help save the town Chimera Hill from their newest serial killer. Things prove to be just as difficult when you're forced to keep quiet about things, considering half the population are not aware of the supernatural. And on top of that, things don't exactly go as smoothly as you hoped when the killer you're trying to stop is a ruthless hybrid. With love, mystery and adventure. I welcome you to Chimera Hill. I hope you enjoy your stay, and please remember to never talk to strangers. Always watch your back, and sleep with one eye open.

Welcome to Chimera Hill - Introduction

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Welcome t...
by akwardkate