The Romeo trials (o...
By steamer_love22
  • Romance
  • fiction
  • killer
  • love
  • mature
  • romance
  • school
  • teen
  • thriller


The bright blue eyed guy of twenty second gerad street came to her house Samantha Higgins a simple blue eves brown haired girl who wore flower dresses and two braids in her hair with a flower on each end of the braids . He is the most popular guy in her school she thought but he came to her house. He introduced himself as Romeo St Cain also as Samantha's or Juliet's betrothed (fiancé). He called her Juliet why she wondered. He explained to her parents that his uncle George St Cain had made a deal with her grandfather Bill Higgins that Samantha would marry Romeo at the age of 15 she was turning 15 in two months he said that was just enough time to plan the wedding. Samantha was told to go to bed and think about what was happening she was marring the most popular guy in her school was she excited or nervous he was 5ft 9 very strong and had a chiseled face and body she was excited she thought but what would he do with her once they were married where would they live sure they lived in NewYork but what was going to happen she could not even imagine

Chapter 1

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The Romeo...
by steamer_love22