Lifeless Perception
By fantasygirl15
  • Mystery / Thriller


Alanis has never been an outsider. Just a regular 16 year old teenage girl living in Manhattan, trying to support her family with struggling financial issues. Her life carries on just as anyone would expect it to, until one night, a live T.V broadcast reports the discovery of the bodies of two children. Investigators reported for there to be no blood, no signs of physical torture, just the lifeless limp bodies, as if they were empty.... yet they had a heartbeat. Alanis begins to worry as more and more reports of mysterious deaths occur. Reports of bodies dead, yet not quite dead. Bodies with still the faintest signs of beating life. Her life takes an ultimate plunge, when one night she comes from work and finds her 12 year old sister missing. Distraught, she searches until she finds the body. Her sisters, faintly alive, yet still physically untouched, just as the other reports had shown. With her sister in the hospital alongside all the other children, Alanis sets out on a quest to find out who this mysterious, and dangerous murderer is, and why these children would not wake from their endless coma, along the way falling in love with a mysterious boy named Logan who seems to take a particular interest in her.

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by fantasygirl15