By blazelink
  • Science Fiction
  • arbit
  • cyrix
  • dirk
  • keira
  • nanolink
  • nanolink-consolidated
  • quinton
  • thoran


(cover pending) In the future, Megacorps have gained almost total control of everything, governments are powerless, and they gave up their roles, to the Megacorps, everything is run on a day to day schedule thanks to the Megacorps, One such Megacorp, arBit is getting amalgamated into NanoLink consolidated, the owner is genuine and true to order, yet freedom within this order. plans to create a psionics training school, to help psychically gifted teenagers to control their powers better, under service of him, is Cyrix. A strange, psychic assassin, and one man private army...almost, the problem is, he must be kept a secret, because NanoLink's founder, Dirk Thoran, promised he had no intentions of an army out of a psionic teenager, ironically Cyrix was taught by Dirk, and later comes to offer his services. Keira is just a relatively ordinary girl, her powers suppressed by technology, as she doesn't want the hassle of learning to control them, so instead, an implant keeps them quiet. But then, she gets tangled up with Cyrix, and nothing, including the Fate of NanoLink, will be safe if they don't find a very mysterious figure...

Chapter 1

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by blazelink