Goodnight M. Yang
By SatinDolls
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • betrayal
  • boy
  • chinese
  • death
  • depression
  • girl
  • japanese
  • love
  • sucicide
  • suicide
  • teen


Mai Yang is a senior in high school standing at a bridge ready to jump. She finds herself alone in the world and with nothing left to live for. As she waits for the rain to die down just a bit and for the night sky to darken just a shade more, M. Yang begins to tell her story to the harsh waters below. As Mai sorts through the struggles in her life with a brother who seems to have completely disappeared, parents who use her as ammo when battling the bridges of an abusive marriage, and a friend that seems to find no guilt is taking from her every joy she has ever found in the world, Mai has given up hope. Adding to the burden she has found as her life, Mai is diagnosed with severe depression and battles to keep her own life every day. And to top everything off, a mysterious new kid in town follows a chain of suicides among teenage students in the area. Her death may go unnoticed but her story will not go untold. Goodnight, M. Yang

Chapter One: This Too Shall Pass

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by SatinDolls