Until Dawn Comes {T...
By AwesomeDragonTamer
  • Fanfiction
  • clickers
  • ellie
  • fan
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • fiction
  • fireflies
  • game
  • infected
  • joel
  • last
  • runners
  • tess
  • thelastofus
  • tlou
  • video
  • zombie
  • zombieapocalypse
  • zombies


I nocked an arrow and aimed carefully, before pulling the trigger. The small arrow shot out and hit the last Clicker in the neck, causing it to collapse with a shriek. I sighed in relief and got up, disarming my crossbow and hauling my satchel up with me. I glanced around the room for supplies and spotted a crafting table nearby. I allowed a surge of joy to go through me as I approached the table, dumping my bag onto it's rough surface. In my haste to create a medical kit for myself, I didn't notice the soft footsteps behind me until I felt the cold point of a gun nudge the back of my head. "Who the hell are you, and why the hell are you here?" Daniel Antonio is a 16 year old boy that travels aimlessly with his black horse. When he was thrown into the world of Joel and Ellie, he begins to doubt everything that he has learnt in lone survival. Mission after mission, goal after goal, will Daniel be able to trust the duo? Will he be accepted in Tommy's dam? Will he be able to tell someone his deep, dark secret, or will he take it to his grave? And the exit to this chaotic roller coaster ride? Uh... What exit? - - - - - - - - - - - - Warning: This story contains blood, violence, gore, and a bit of uncensored swearing. This story in no way relates to The Walking Dead, and Until Dawn. All games/shows belong to their respectful creators.


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Until Daw...
by AwesomeDragonTamer