My Decisions
By lpsskittles
  • Teen Fiction
  • best
  • friends
  • heartbreakers
  • heartbreaks
  • revenge


A 15 year old girl named Harper gets a new neighbor 2 weeks before the junior year of high school. She happens to be the kind of girl who loves books and her Nutella..but her life isn't very happy. She has an abusive father and her mother died in a car crash when she was 7. The only person she trusts is her best friend Alex. Alex and Harper have been together ever since the 3rd grade and Harper thinks of Alex as a sister. Aiden is the new bad boy at his school. Everywhere he goes girls throw themselves at him and his Best friend Austin. Austin isn't as much of a bad boy as Aiden..Austin is not the quiet type but he is the video game type. Will these 2 cross their paths? Who knows?!

Chapter 1; Harper's P.O.V

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My Decisi...
by lpsskittles