Fix Me Alpha
By TVDfandom
  • Werewolf
  • alpha
  • hot
  • hybrid
  • mate
  • mine
  • mystery
  • read
  • romance
  • sexy
  • werewolf
  • witch


FIX ME ALPHA Emily Presto had a rough start in life. When she gets accepted into Nashmoore University, she can't help but feel hope for a bright future. Everything starts to look up, that is until she gets blindsided by a flying object. Follow Emily as her life gets flipped upside down. Filled with witches, werewolves, and all the other things that go bump in the night. Riley Nathanial Lawson is the strongest and most feared Alpha to ever live. The minute he see's Emily though, his world changes. He changes. He wants to love her and he craves for her to love him. *Warning Mature Content* -------------------------------------- Hey guys, Please Vote and Comment on as many chapters as you can. It's hard for me to write about a lot of what goes into this so to get some positive feedback would be so very appreciated. I love you if you've even read this far!!! One million hearts are coming your way <3


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Fix Me Al...
by TVDfandom