Music = Life
By WeallneedWCAR
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I'm going to do a cliche thing here and post some song interpretations/lyrics. I don't know why I decided to do this now but with most of the music I listen to people only judge on the outer appearance of the sound. They don't stop to appreciate the effort people that are making music go through. So I thought I would share the lyrical content and my interpretation of some songs (Warning: Not all songs will have personal interpretations so :p). Also, I felt like this would be one way to get to know me... Because I live vicariously through music so if anyone was that interested lol I would love to talk music too with people that happen to stumble upon this? Edit: So this might be more putting my feelings out there about either me or things that I think should be addressed? Like...I don't know. I post a video for every song so if you just want to get a new playlist going. Nothing wrong with that either.

Something New | Dance Gavin Dance

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Music = L...
by WeallneedWCAR