* THIS IS A COPYRIGHTED STORY OF MINE, MIDNIGHT_LILAC, PUBLISHED ON WATTPAD. IF YOU FIND IT ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE, IT HAS BEEN COPIED/REPUBLISHED WITHOUT MY CONSENT AND YOU ARE LIKELY AT A RISK OF A MALWARE ATTACK. IF YOU WISH TO READ THIS STORY IN ITS ORIGINAL, SAFE FORM, PLEASE GO TO WATTPAD * Unlike others around her, Arisa Lee was special. She was different, a child of darkness shunned by society because of her special ability, her power of alchemy. She chose a life of isolation when she grew because of that, and for a job that needed her to keep her identity and very existence a secret. And she loved it. A moment of recklessness and a dangerous mistake turns her life upside down though, throwing her into a world where alchemy is nothing uncommon. She is quickly surrounded by things she never expected to have existed - State Alchemists, Homunculi and the Philosopher Stone - though is quick to adapt and begin her journey to look for a way back home. While she meets many she comes to care for on her journey, she also meets with trouble, especially from a sadistic Homunculus who cannot leave her alone for more reasons than one. It is a test of time, emotions, bonds and secrets that Arisa must face on her journey, to protect those she wants to protect and achieve what she wants to achieve. But perhaps there is much more at stake and to be considered during her search for a way home - secrets, revelations, wishes and perhaps even love. ~~~~~~~~~~ Fullmetal Alchemist and all its franchise (C) Hiromu Arakawa KDrama Healer and all its franchise (C) Song Ji-Na OC and creative plot (C) Midnight_Lilac
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