Fall For You (UtaPr...
By whyyousoserious
  • Fanfiction
  • ichinose
  • ittoki
  • lol
  • masato
  • natsuki
  • ren
  • starish
  • syo
  • utapri


Relationships go through ups and downs... and with the strength of the relationship, you should conquer it. The harder the challenge, the more the relationship strengthens. But when everything is just falling apart? How could it be back from how it is? Would you pick up the pieces and try to fix it up even if it meant hurting yourself? Or will you run away from it and leave the other one? Or would you stay... and try to fill the gap that's missing? But, when it is just too late? What would you do? (part of the story) "I never really thought that I would fall for you. Goodbye." That... is his last words. --- [[ A: If you want, please follow @bakauthor.sama on IG where I post things about my stories ~ ]]

Fall For You (Uta no prince sama FanFic [XY x XY])

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Fall For...
by whyyousoserious