"The Zombie Tr...
By VincentStVincent
  • Horror
  • apocalypse
  • dead
  • hipsters
  • horror
  • insanity
  • music
  • perspective
  • psychology
  • survival
  • survivalist
  • university
  • walkers
  • walking
  • zombie
  • zombies


One of the year's best reviewed books in any genre. "Not only the zombie story for non-zombie fans but the horror story for non-horror fans." "Vincent St. Vincent's darkly irreverent and completely unique The Zombie Truth blends fact and fiction to reveal the apocalypse has actually already begun." Don't be the last person to discover the Truth! $7.99 with a 100% refund if for any reason you can't handle the truth. www.TheZombieTruth.com About the book: The hoof prints of The Four Horsemen are fossilized in the time line of human history. The Biblical flood. The Great Famines. The Bubonic Plague. World War II. In between these events, we like to pretend The Horsemen never existed at all, but deep inside, we know. We know that not only did they exist… They’re coming again. Clip clop in our dreams—those nightmares that slip away from our brains like fine sand through a sieve the moment after we awaken. Clip clop in the night when the lights flicker off and darkness surrounds us, a still-unevolved part of our minds convinced of the danger no matter how our civilized, rational selves try to suppress it. Clip clop in our movies, books, and art—leaking from that primal, subconscious warning system into our conscious, creative imaginations. Before he hears the hooves, Robert’s life is on track.He seems to have it all: a secure, longterm relationship with a charming, talented film major; and the shining promise of a career in neuropsychiatry, once he finishes his doctoral thesis. But when the world starts going mad one grisly news headline at a time, Robert’s life begins to fall apart in a relentless series of events ranging from maddening to deadly. Violent riots are taking the city. People he knows are beginning to drop like flies, falling victim to or joining the mass insanity. As the terror takes hold, no place and no one is safe from the monsters. They are everywhere: on the bus, in the streets… and in the mirror.

"The Zombie Truth"Chapter 1 Awakening to Oblivion

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by VincentStVincent