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By quinnjordan
  • Fanfiction
  • andihadthisideaalongtime
  • sethclearwater
  • sethneedssomemorelove
  • twilightsaga
  • twilightwerewolves
  • werewolves


"I tried to hold these secrets inside me My mind's like a deadly disease." ∞∞∞ { S P O N T A N E O U S U P D A T E S } ∞∞∞ When two souls find each other, they are called soul mates. Two beings that are brought together in a unity that is much stronger than any human relationship. They become obsessed, entranced with the thought, the smell, the sight, and the feel of the other; everything is more heightened, more real. It's intoxicating. Andrea Uley never believed in love. She had a right too, because her life was never perfect (no one's life is), and she found reason for her disbelief on love - her parents split. Her life isn't picture perfect, not even mary jane picturesque - it was by far one of the worse ways to live. When her world shifts after her brother disappears, she finds that he changed. With this change comes responsibility and soon she'll discover that the legends she grew up hearing are all real. And, she'll find that not only her brother is a piece of that legend but she is as well. ∞∞∞ Twilight [pre- new moon - breaking dawn] © copyright || quinnjordan Disclaimer: I OWN Andy Uley only, and everything that may seem familiar aka from the books/movies does NOT belong to me at all. THANK YOU!

intro; summary + cast.

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by quinnjordan