being cheated on (m...
By beardedharry
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My little story of being cheated on (10-8-16) This totally made a drastic change of story. Now it's a story about me and my new love moving on with our lives. With blood, sweat, puke, and tears, here is my love story with Bryce. The man I want to marry but there are problems. I am a mess and he is only a little bit of a mess. We are the same but two different people. We are confusing and nobody understands us besides us. We are unhealthy but healthy for you each other. When we argue we become unhealthy. But I promise to you Bryce that if you ever read this that I am trying my hardest. You are what keeps me going. You bring me to my knees in the dirtiest yet cleanest ways. You keep the earth spinning and make even the darkest places bright. You are the light of my life. Please make me your wife one day.

the moment you find out

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being che...
by beardedharry