By charliegirl13
  • Short Story


Maybe life is just a place for us to wait until we meet God, or maybe it's what we were made for. But sometimes life goes wrong, someone up there losses control of things just for a second and there are unplanned lives, an empty bed, a mistake, an accident, a silent scream, a life cut short in a few seconds. Something that could have been avoided if only there was someone there to listen, if only someone had heard the scream, or opened their eyes to the facts right in front of them. If someone had seen the scars, the bruises, the shift in an attitude, the darkness covering them, the light in their eyes dying.... But no one ever does, or if they do, the shrug it off, forget about it and move on, and only when it's too late do they remember, realise that maybe everything wasn't going so well. That the small smiles and the 'I'm fine's were a cover, a shield, to protect anyone else from feeling their pain, their worthlessness. When everything becomes to hard, when love is a distant dream, that has been crushed and trampled by a dark feeling of fear or sadness, and the only thing left to do is watch the endless rivers of red flow in to the bathroom sink.


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by charliegirl13