Star Rising: Heartl...
By CesarAnthony
  • Fantasy


The planets of the Cestia galaxy are in peril. Mysterious holes are opening in the ground. From within, vile creatures, Deargs, burst forth, slaughtering any living creature that crosses their path. Humanity, along with hundreds of other races of the galaxy, are on the brink of extinction. Where do they come from? Who sent them? What is their purpose? For Xalen, a boy with a terrifying gift, life in Planet Vintra is nothing more than a dull affair. An orphan, he quickly learns to look out for himself and his friends. However, he has always yearned for something greater. So when Reave, a veteran warrior comes to enlist him for the Alioth, the elite army of the galaxy, Xalen cannot refuse. But as Xalen delves deeper into his Alioth training, he finds out that there is more to the Dearg’s attacks than meets the eye. An ancient evil lurks in the shadows—an evil that will stop at nothing to claim Xalen’s life as his own.

Untitled Part 1

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Star Risi...
by CesarAnthony