Stand For Something...
By EbonyJonesKuye
  • Spiritual


A Mother & Daughter who fought one of the richest men in the in world...Former NBA Clippers Owner Donald Sterling! Well… I’m still here. And I’m certainly stronger; a lot stronger. But it was close. So, this is my story. It’s a story about a strong brother who loved me and took care of me until tragedy struck. It’s a story about a strong will-powered mother who showed incredible courage in challenging one of the richest, most powerful men in the world...former NBA Clippers owner Donald Sterling. It is a story of battling injustice. And, though there isn’t a Knight in Shining Armor or ‘Happily Ever After’ in this story, it is absolutely a story of hope and strength and empowerment. It is my desire that this story will help you to overcome your own obstacles. Because, sometimes… Just knowing that one person beat the odds is enough to give you the encouragement you need to try it for yourself.

Chapters 1-3

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Stand For...
by EbonyJonesKuye