The Return Of Scarl...
By LibertyThoughts_
  • Teen Fiction
  • biker
  • black
  • blonde
  • boots
  • boys
  • bullies
  • camp
  • cheating
  • chicks
  • drama
  • family
  • fight
  • lies
  • military
  • motorcycles
  • romance
  • rules
  • scarlet
  • school


She looked me up and down with her nose in the air, as if she was better than me. Come to think of it, she always thought she was better than me. Better than anyone. "What happened to you?" "Boot camp, Bitch." Three years ago I wouldn't have had the balls to say that to her, but now she didn't know the new bitch she was messing with. Scarlet Has Returned .. ** Scarlet Abigail Aaron is a former student at Randall Academy. Mid way into her freshman year Aaron's was escorted from class and never again seen in the small town of Amarillo, Texas. Nobody understood why she left or, ran away, as her father says. She made good grades, was friendly to everyone, had manners, and wore BRIGHT clothing. So Why boot camp? And more importantly, what happened to the sweet little innocent girl that left, and who was this badass biker chick that returned in her place... ( I made my cover and I make others (: ) -Trailer


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The Retur...
by LibertyThoughts_