Memories in the Mak...
By kmbell92
  • Fanfiction
  • chrispratt


Book Three in the Behind the Camera series. Your favourite duo is back in their next adventure. They have tackled dating and marriage and now the next step comes in parenthood. Keira and Chris had always talked about how they would be as parents, but they never really knew what to expect until they actually became parents. Now mother and father to the ever charming Bentley, the two have their hands full raising the newly turned four year old. With his father's look and his mother's personality (as much as Keira doesn't believe it), Chris and Keira have entered the world of parenthood. That means fighting monsters that lurk under the bed, jumping in puddles, dealing with weird mothers at daycare and overall making sure their son is the happiest kid in the world. With Flynn as Bentley's self assigned body guard and Lilo and Bilbo in the mix, Bentley is far from ever being bored while growing up.

Chapter One: Monsters Under the Bed

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by kmbell92