Save Us Not! (Book...
By Cristy1289
  • Romance
  • alcholabuse
  • arguing
  • cheating
  • depression
  • fightingforlove
  • heartbreak
  • hurt
  • jealousy
  • love
  • miscarriage
  • newadultreads
  • pregnancy


Kylee and Drew have been married for almost two years and they were so in love until they decided they wanted to try to have a family. Almost a year after being married they were finally expecting there first baby but when things go terribly wrong and they have to pick up the pieces of their lives. Kylee is heart broken and just wants things to go back to the way they where before they started fighting all the time, but part of her just wants to end it all and begins seeking comfort in an old friend. Drew is heart broken and just wants to stop arguing with Kylee, but after the tragedy that struck in their lives he is scared that if he keeps giving his heart to her that they he will end up loosing her. When he starts getting to caught up in work and his new intern starts coming on to him, he would have never though he could loose Kylee in a different way. Will these two work it out and prove that love really does conquer all or will they fall into someone else's arms.


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Save Us N...
by Cristy1289