Fairy Tail - Queens...
By Kathleen51680
  • Fanfiction
  • carla
  • erza
  • fairytail
  • juvia
  • lucy
  • mavis
  • mirajane
  • royalty
  • wendy
  • zeref


The Grand Magic Games were now over and Fairy Tail was full of wizards celebrating, drinking, and going on quests. They are so popular that there are now even quests that request for certain wizards. One day, Master Makarov calls for Erza, Mirajane, Lucy, Juvia, Wendy, and Carla, saying that there was a job request for them, but in reality, it's not a quest at all. Instead, it is a beckon from Fairy Tail's first master: Mavis Vermilion calling them to Tenroujima, or Heaven Wolf Island, Fairy Tail's holy island. She tells them that there is an emergency and needs their help, but it's not your everyday emergency, like monsters running amok or a robbery. There are 8 kingdoms in Earthland: The Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of Darkness, the Earth Kingdom, The Sky Kingdom, the Water Kingdom, The Kingdom of Angels, the Kingdom of Fairies, and the Kingdom of Demons. Each kingdom, besides the Earth Kingdom, which is ruled by humans, relies on a single being to entrust their fate to, put simply a king or a queen. Mavis Vermilion is the Queen of the Light Kingdom and Zeref Dragneel is the King of the Kingdom of Darkness. The other 5 rulers have all died due to casting a powerful spell, and now, the 5 kingdoms need new rulers, and the chosen ones are Fairy Tail's Titania: Queen of the Fairies, Demon Mirajane, Maiden of the Sky, Juvia the Rain Woman, and Lucky Lucy. But they must remember: Nothing is ever as it seems. Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Hashima.

1. The 'Job'

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Fairy Tai...
by Kathleen51680