My Substitute Teach...
By rinnah_grace91
  • Romance
  • taeny
  • taeyeon
  • tiffany


What if, things started to change as soon as the new substituted teacher comes into the picture? what kind of changes? Short guess, like anyone could've predicted, a story which related to Taeny. and when it is related to Taeny, it only leads to drama and sweet love scene. But in this story, here's the twist, what are the posibilities of a student being in a relationship with her student. especially when she claims that she is straight herself? would there be any posiblities for Taeyeon to go after her substitude teacher who is elder than her by 3 years? Nothing is impossible right? :) that's what i believe too. but what does it takes, to make it a dream come true for Taeyeon to hit on a teacher. There is no way she can hook up with her teacher, especially when the teacher is religious. yeah impossible.....mission impossible.... Unless....

My substitute teacher

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My Substi...
by rinnah_grace91