The Story of Alice...
By Kurotadori
  • Fanfiction


The Story is based on Hitobarashi Alice and The Alice Killings.  The story starts when the death of a 29-year-old woman named Sasaki Megumi and on to the next. Each corpse was left a playing card and had their own blood written on the card as "Alice". These crime was called "The Alice Killings", one of the strangest and unsolvable serial killings in Japan since 1999-2005.  And so there was a tiny dream. It was such a tiny dream, no one ever dreamt it. "I don't want to disappear this way...How can I make people dream of me?" The tiny dream thinks and finally had an idea! "I'll make humans get lost in me, and let them create the world." DISCLAIMER: I do not own Hitobashira Alice nor The Alice Killings. Both stories belong to their respective creators. Hitobashira Alice belongs to Yugami-P while The Alice Killings is one of the strangest and unsolvable serial killings in Japan since 1999-2005.

Chapter 1: Sasaki Megumi, The Jack of Spades

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The Story...
by Kurotadori