This Bitter Earth...
By weird_jpgrayson
  • Paranormal
  • conspiracy
  • cthulhu
  • illuminati
  • kurtz
  • lovecraft
  • lovecraftian
  • marlow
  • templar


History is repeating itself...... in all the wrong ways. Once blissful nights of respite are morphing into abysmally black pits of horror. We awake from one nightmare and are immediately thrust into the next. These days, we are all dreamers who have been disjointed from time, space, and even memory, but these dreams are not our own. These are the eldritch reveries of the one who sleeps eternal but can never die...... and his aeons of slumber have come to an end! "This Bitter Earth, Part I: Lost In Nightmares" is a multifaceted tale of apocalyptic Lovecraftian terror told in the stream-of-consciousness writing style from the perspective of multiple heroes, villains, and otherwise morally neutral common folk caught in the crossfire of a world gone mad. An ex-U.S. Army Ranger plunges headlong into the heart of an immense darkness as two clandestine government operatives work in the shadows to combat an unseen threat to humanity, all while the armies of World War III are marching onward to Judgment Day. Will good triumph over evil? Will our world be spared a global cataclysm? Will the universe care either way?

The First Nightmare: The Darkness

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This Bitt...
by weird_jpgrayson