Sonic : Mobian Univ...
By Boomlove345
  • Fanfiction
  • amy
  • drama
  • romance
  • sega
  • sonamy
  • sonicboom
  • teen


Mobian Universiyt, kown to be reconized as one of the worlds top succesful school, that everyone wants to go into. Mobian University was a succesful school for many, many years and even have their own commercial/ advertisment. Now, this year was the time of year where the sonic chracters, even from Sonic Boom, have their time to shine. How good will thay do? total drama. hey guys, to some people who have read this must have thought that i stole this idea of story from someone, or 'hey haven't i met a different version from somewhere?'. yeah... lets just say that, i am the same author, i am sonamyfan1234. if you type my name on this website then you would have seen 'Mobain University: sad annoucement'. As you can see , i kept my word nd you well get a different-better version of the orginal Mobain University. ps, i you read the annocement, i used Boomlove345. Thank you now enjoy the show.

Introduction: The acceptance.....

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Sonic : M...
by Boomlove345