Hell Bound
By scorpio1215
  • Paranormal
  • angels
  • deceiver
  • demons
  • hellbound
  • love
  • werewolves


There's a legend that talks ever so greatly of the Hell bound. There's a tradition in the Supernatural world that they hold in the memory of the Hell Bound. There's a prophecy among the Demons that foretells the coming of another Hell Bound. One who would be so powerful that she would outrank any other supernatural. "In which way?" The supernaturals asked. The prophet told this: A heart unblemished by that of the evil; A soul untouched by impurity that is of the Deciever, A woman with the Demon's gift but breathe the air of the angels, Kindness, compassion, her power ; Mercy and love, her gift, Powerful in its own right, Hell Bound she is, Where Hell conquers all that is depraved;She will conquer all: Hell, Heaven, and all the realms in between... Ever since the prophecy, the supernaturals have been on the lookout for the Hell Bound. Some, in the intention of protecting her; Some, with intentions that are not purely so honorable. When they finally did find her, they did not expect the Hell Bound to come in the form of Alithiya Rowen, the human omega of the West ridge Pack, mateless, orphaned and completely unaware of her destiny. Alithiya Rowen has grown up in the West ridge pack, knowing she was the only human in a not so human community. She had watched her adoptive brother get mated and settle down and her long time crush and at one point, her loving boyfriend find his mate and settle down as well. She was heart broken and confused as to the reason why she feels so drawn to the supernatural world. All her questions are answered. But not in the way she wanted. Her answers came in the form of Dragon Quinn, the deceiver and ultimately, her husband... Can she find compassion and understanding in a world where mercy and love are naught but foreign myths? Can she fulfill her destiny as the next Hell Bound? Or can she fulfill her destiny as the mate of the Deceiver?


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Hell Bound
by scorpio1215