20 Simple Answers T...
By jlandrine
  • Spiritual
  • bible
  • bornagain
  • christ
  • christian
  • church
  • heaven
  • hell
  • jesus
  • salvation
  • saved
  • spiritual


Send Me Your Questions I don’t claim to know everything or even a lot about a lot of things. I am but a lowly servant of my Lord, Jesus Christ. However, there is one gift that He gave me and that is the gift to be able to explain things simply. He granted me the gift to present complex issues in such a way that even a five year old can understand. I imagine that is why the Lord had me in sales for most of my career and as a minister, I teach a lot more than I preach. In this book and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I will answer some of those questions that cause the unbeliever to stumble and the believer to struggle. Taking the answers directly from scripture, I will attempt to answer the questions based on what the Word says. Send me your questions and comments You may have some of those questions that seem terrible or even blasphemous. Send them. Please forward questions you may have and I’ll do my best to answer them. This finished work will be a published book and your question may appear. I can also use suggestions for a title. Thank you and God bless you! John


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20 Simple...
by jlandrine