Marauders Headcanons
By ExpiredProduct
  • Fanfiction
  • hogwarts
  • lilyevans
  • love
  • marauders
  • mischief
  • moony
  • padfoot
  • pranks
  • prongs
  • wormtail


Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Our beloved Marauders. Bitch, when it comes to their fanfics and headcanons, ain't nobody touchin' these marauderettes. Being a hardcore Marauderette myself, lets just say, I want to give some of you Wattpadders a taste of our imagination. Some of them are crazy af, some will make you laugh so hard that the other people on the train look at you like, "Bitch, you crazzy!" Some will make you go awww while others will make you want to rip your heart out and throw that useless piece of shit away cause dayummmm, some of these headcanons are effing sad. They hurt them feels !!!! Enjoy as I take you on this hilarious and heartbreaking journey through the Marauders Era. Tumblr, my imagination and Marauders ? Bae, we have a threesome pairing right here that fucks it up till it hurts. (Okay, that literally sounded like something Padfoot would say in a sexual mood. Mmmm.)

Marauders Headcanons

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by ExpiredProduct