Two Sides, One War
By 0_Strike
  • Science Fiction
  • action
  • apocalypse
  • completed
  • fiction
  • leftbehind
  • romance
  • science
  • space
  • survival
  • war


Meet Zethea, a Zecorian warrior from another planet. All her life she has been told that the humans were responsible for the centuries long war resulting in many casualties. Her father wants her to become a strategist behind the lines, but her vengeance for blood makes her become a skilled killer on the front lines. Until she is left behind in the desolate jungle wasteland of a forgotten city, and finds herself having to become allies with a lone human soldier who didn't even want to be in the war in the first place. They soon discover a secret about the war, and realize that their whole lives were raised with lies. T+ because gore and violence. Maybe some romance later on but nothing close to fifty shades of NOPE. P.S: most of the artwork here is not mine, but I am in the the process of replacing some of it with my own artwork. Zethea's character design is made by me and is my intellectual property, all other images unless with the initials "TVS" signed on them are not mine, their rights go to their respective owners. If there is a copyright issue concerning any images within this book, then I will be happily able to remove/replace them upon request.

The war

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Two Sides...
by 0_Strike