Playing with the in...
By darkphoenix29
  • Romance
  • action
  • adventure
  • romance


Catalina Williams is someone that doesn't believe in backing down, and doesn't mind speaking what's on her mind. She is not the social type, seeing the world only in black and white. She is a minx throw in biker boots and you have one bad ass chick like me. Now it's not my nature to be conceited but the way I see things is this, if you have it flaunt it. What happens when you mix a minx and guns with really hot guys together? You get trouble well at least for Catalina anyway. She thinks she knows it all, but really doesn't have a clue. She believed, her life was meaningless to say the least. That was until, a certain chain of events happened. He is cold and calculating, tall dark and handsome. After losing the love of his life, something happens he never imagined could ever happen. He stays to himself, until he meets a minx with danger lurking around every corner. How could a minx and someone like him love? It could happen right? All works on this website are Copyright © under Laura Jackson's name.

Chapter One.

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Playing w...
by darkphoenix29