Fifty Shades Of Red
By My_DarkSecrets
  • Werewolf
  • littleredridinghood
  • red
  • romance


His thick, glossy fur glistened underneath the flecks of pale light as his blue eyes focused on the red cloaked beauty that stood underneath the masses of canopy. His muscles rippled as he stealthily made his way towards her. Tingles shot through his fur and desire pooled within him as the delicious scent of vanilla wafted through the cool air. Being an alpha only intensified this. Through all of this he remembered his father's words. "Son, when a werewolf meets his mate, they'll know. It's indescribable, You'll smell the most amazing scent, you'll be drawn to her and sparks will appear," As he continued to watch her, he said the word he had desperately wanted to say ever since he was a little boy. The one word which would seal this everlasting bond. "Mine," ********************************************************************** THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE ANYTHING LIKE 50 SHADES!!!! I REPEAT IT IS NOT GOING TO BE ANYTHING LIKE THAT FILFTH! SO GET YOUR HEAD OUTTA THE GUTTER!!!!!!! THIS WILL BE CLEAN. C-L-E-A-N. Capishe? This is a twist on the classic Brother's Grimm Fairytale~ Little Red Riding Hood. I entered a similar passage to the one above for a mini competition so......wish me luck! My_DarkSecrets∞

Fifty Shades Of Red

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Fifty Sha...
by My_DarkSecrets