Game of Mates
By Psykix
  • Werewolf
  • action
  • alpha
  • arena
  • games
  • luna
  • lycan
  • mates
  • mature
  • romance


The Games; once a year, unmated wolves that had hit maturity from various packs would gather in hopes of finding the other half that would complete them and then live happily ever after... at least, that's how it was for the males. For the she-wolves participating, it literally meant life or death; if none of the males present were a compatible mate, you could very well be executed in the arena for being 'defective'. The Game of Mates was an archaic and barbaric way for wolves to find their other halves, at least that's how Alexandria and Danielle Cruise saw it after the death of their elder sister whom had been torn to pieces at the end of The Game. With a twist of fate and a dash of sass-there was no doubt that the twins would take this year's Game by storm-with Alexandria leading the helm and her sister at her side.


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Game of M...
by Psykix