Chapter One: Travel...
By heavenlydolans
  • Fanfiction
  • dolan
  • twins


Once upon a time, a girl named Michelle who was 15 and lived in New York were going to LA for the first time in the summer. She was excited, and she knew the twins' were going to be there, so she couldn't wait to go meet them hopefully. She got packed and took her suitcases to the car parked outside her home. She couldn't help being excited, she woke up her sister who was in the house, and went to the kitchen to make some pancakes. Her parents were getting their suitcases ready. Her sister Isabella, finally woke up and got dressed and got her suitcase ready. Finally, her whole family was ready to leave their house and go to the airport. Michelle said goodbye to her neighbors, Kelly and Samantha and walked to the car with Isabella. Michelle's older than Isabella. Isabella is only three years younger, but let's get back to the story. Michelle and her family finally got to the airport just in time for their flight. They gave the airport people their tickets and got checked and got their suitcases, etc. They finally got to the plane. The place was white, with green writing. She looked at the plane, and smiled. She couldn't wait! They got on the plane and found their seats. They were all sitting together. Michelle got the window seat while Isabella sat next to her and her parents beside Isabella. Michelle took out her iPhone and headphones and started jamming music when all of a sudden, she heard someone scream. She turned around to see that the TWINS' WERE ON THE PLANE! She started shaking, she didn't know what to do. Isabella started shaking too. She knew that her favs were on the plane and she moved out of her seat. She needed to meet these two, but her parents stopped her. The twins' started walking to find their seats. Michelle looked up, to find that Ethan passed her and looked at her. Michelle turned red. She finally saw that the twins' were sitting right in front of her. The plane suddenly took off and she went to sleep.

chapter one: the plane ride

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Chapter O...
by heavenlydolans