Once Upon A Philly...
By Kyra2678
  • Fanfiction
  • behaivor
  • mindless
  • roc
  • royal


Till death do us apart..... A Philly Girl Dashira living in the SouthWest who was raped by her father numorous times since she was just a little girl at the age of five, and a mother on drugs. Always depressed wanting to die wondering when God will take her away since she was to much of a coward to do so herself she always wished he never wake her up... till all that will change when she meets a boy name Roc also known as Chresanto Chresanto was not like all the other boys he stood out, he was popular, got all the girls, had lots of swagg, and was the big time money making boy. But he had a past that will forever haunt him he was raped by his mother when he was a little boy and his father was in a gang making lot's of money which cause Chresanto to be so rich.... One day his mother and father got into a fight when he was 6 years old he was hiding in a closet and tried to help his mother even though she raped him she always treated him like he was nothing else but a KING. His mother had a gun in her hand trying to shoot rocs father but his dad manage to get it and throw it, the gun went right in the closet Chresanto picked it up and the gun went off..

Once Upon A Philly Girl

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Once Upon...
by Kyra2678