The Vampire's...
By Random_Wordz
  • Vampire
  • bride
  • doomed
  • forcing
  • kidnapped
  • king
  • love
  • obsessed
  • romance
  • vampire


"See now little one, if you run away, I'll kill everyone you ever held dear and loved. This is my world and you're mine. You will be mine and I'll make sure of that. Nothing will get between us from being together. Not even you princess." "I'll never love you." I cried out trying to hold onto the tears that begged me for release. "Then I'll make you love me." ****************** When Violet Reed is kidnapped by the King of Vampires, a world she never thought existed gets revealed to her. The King is obsessed with her and wants nothing more than for her to be his bride. Violet's lack of consent to any of the King's wishes doesn't matter to him and he'll do anything in his power to keep her with him even if it means taking drastic measures to discipline her himself. When Violet thinks all is lost and her fate is set a miracle happens but what happens if what she thought was her miriacle might just make her curse of being with the King worse?

Prologue |

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The Vampi...
by Random_Wordz