Spark Wizard - A Do...
By Mahirah03
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • magic
  • spellsandpotions
  • supernaturals
  • wizards
  • wizardsofwaverlyplacefanfiction


Meadow Wilton is a 12 years old Spark wizard and everyone knows she has powers. She has just started enrolling at Roastfield Academy (her new secondary school) a few months ago, and is learning to cope with being the "odd" kid. However, she gets a virus on her powers and is losing them at a pace too fast for her to handle. She needs to consult someone - like her mentor. But he's missing, and Meadow needs to find out where he is and rescue him... Will she be able to save her powers before it's too late? Follow the first adventure of pre-teen wizard and all-round intellegent 21st century child, Meadow, as she sets out on super secret spy missions; survives school with her new secondary friends and learns to live a double life to her absolute fullest. This enthusiastic young girl introduces you to her life in London...and the Magic Realm!


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Spark Wiz...
by Mahirah03