The Anti-Bully
By wanderIess
  • General Fiction


"You can't just tell a depressed person to 'get over it'. That's like telling a person with a broken leg to just walk it off, or a person with a brain tumor to just pop some pills. You don't understand. You'll never understand." "Well, I can at least try and help." - Rosie Delgado and Camila Roberts have been best friends since kindergarten. They had no secrets; people who didn't know better thought they were sisters. They joked about dying at an old age, spending the rest of their lives skydiving and traveling the world together. Little did Rosie know that Camila was keeping a huge secret. Camila was suicidal, and Rosie didn't find out until Camila was in the hospital after a failed suicide attempt. After that, Rosie decided to become 'The Anti-Bully', an anonymous girl who took calls for people who felt ready to give up. She told nobody about her secret job, coaxing people out of self-harm and suicide every night. But Rosie found out the hard way that superheroes always have a weakness.

The Anti-Bully

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The Anti...
by wanderIess