Falling In The Righ...
By ShyAwkwardTurtle
  • Fanfiction


Faith and Parker are two normal teenagers. Faith is obsessed with One Direction. Parker is obsessed with books and her iPod. Faith wins 2 tickets to a One Direction concert and Faith wants Parker to come with her. So being the nice goody two shoes she is Parker comes... but with her book and iPod. But Faith never told Parker about backstage passes and lies saying that they are going to go to the bathroom. Faith faints when she meets them and Parker makes One Direction help her carry Faith to the car to go to the hospital thinking that Faith can be in a coma. They become friends and exchange phone numbers. One will fall in love. The other will have a new best friend forever. Which ones which?

Falling in the Right Direction (1D fan fiction)

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Falling I...
by ShyAwkwardTurtle