By TheOneCoolGuy
  • Adventure
  • 100
  • adventure
  • anya
  • bellamyblake
  • bisexuality
  • clarkegriffin
  • commanderlexa
  • grounders
  • jasperjordan
  • johnmurphy
  • lesbian
  • marcuskane
  • montygreen
  • mountainmen
  • octaviablake
  • ravenreyes
  • skypeople
  • the100
  • wellsjaha


Born and raised in space, Adalia has been locked up in the Sky Box for two years now. Sky Box. It's a prison for delinquents under the age of 18. Teenagers who committed a crime, no matter how big, stealing books or setting someone on fire, are to rot away in their cell until the age of majority where they pass before the Council either to be sentenced to death or pardoned. But she was given another chance. Along with 99 other teenagers like her. She was only sixteen when sent down to Earth, this now soaked in radiation forest. They were sent down to Earth to see whether the Earth was habitable. They were to survive or to die. As soon as she set foot on the ground, everything and everyone she once had known, had changed. As soon she took one look at the sun, one look at the trees around her, she knew she would have to adapt, to change in order to survive down here. Earth wasn't what they had excepted, it wasn't calm, peaceful and empty, instead it was busy, merciless and inhabited. Turns out they weren't the only people on Earth.

Chapter 1: Ground Free

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by TheOneCoolGuy